Spotlight Web Services API was designed and developed by Gail Guirreri. The original intent was to organize data from across the globe into a central database for sporthorse owners, riders and breeders to use in their own web sites. As the platform developed and other web site industries demonstrated similar needs, it was decided to organize the platform development by industry. Spotlight Web Services serves not only the sport horse industry in but also a few others.
Art is organzed under Artists and art galleries can upload their works of art, submit to art shows, print image sales cards, wall cards, print art show inventory lists and publish to their own web site from a single entry point.
Local produce farmers can enjoy similar social experience on Sharing growing tips in ever changing seasons, storing fresh produce information for later use, cataloging recipes, and publishing articles from each others public article list, all help to grow a web site quickly.
Fashion and Design industry is the most recent addition to the custom Spotlight Web Service platforms. The home base domain will be released soon. Gail's own web site,, is a small example of what will be offered.
All web sites are developed using strong SEO (search engine optimization), mobile friendliness, and speedy page returns. Google is constanly evolving their search ranking criteria. In order to keep up with these changes it is strategic to count on a host that will constantly update HTML structure to adapt without worry. Spotlight Web Service depends on this ability to keep up. Each web site recieves the same benefit as we provide for ourselves!
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Allowed: 64M/67108864KB.
Current: 4463KB. Peak: 4833KB.