Spotlight Web Services Web Site Builder CMS API

Spotlight Web Services

Do you stare at pages with suggested APPS when searching for a web site builder and hosting service for your small business? What do I need that for and why? Hours can be spent researching features yet all you want to do is just get started simply and scale up as you need to. I felt this way and was spending way too much time trying to get other web site builders to do what I wanted as a small business owner and graphic designer. The biggest problem is being utterly confused with all the choices yet not getting what you really want. I set out just to build something simple for me to use since I owned many domain names and had a few clients with very large web sites to manage. My goal was to manage any and all domains with image name and page management, linking, SEO and future updates from one place. Then I really needed content to be sharable between web sites. Without sharing pages or data one is always retyping something! This may be the one most important aspect of this web site builder.

As I search the internet I see many hosts and web builders available with fancy templates. I have spent my time on developing the architecture of this webware software and left the CSS for future graphic designers to add options. You can forget about plugins being required. Everything needed to make a web site do its job comes with the builder eliminating hidden costs. Even CSS is simplified to make new templates easier and faster to build a custom design. If you read about how Wix and Wordpress compare you find how Spotlight Web Services (SWS) found a way to do the best of both for the small business owner.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) - Spotlight Web Service has built in SEO code and tools. Tools will help you analyze your web site SEO ranking direction and are available right in your platform dashboard without having to add a plugin. As the internet changes it's rules, we change the code to move with it. A great web site is content driven with responsive CSS (mobile friendly) and easy to navigate without repeating pages. The architecture of Spotlight Web Service platform leads you in the right direction without limiting your needs, thus driving your SEO allowing you to focus on your content.

Image Search Engine Optimization (SEO) - What's this? Spotlight Web Services manages not only page SEO in the code but image code to improve SEO. As you upload images, adding a title and alt, we rename your image to be descriptive of the subject making it easier for indexing by major search engines. Most other platforms just upload the image as you have in your files. If it's from your phone, title is just letters and numbers, and not helping you. Spotlight Web Services also gives you options as to folders for placing your images such as archived non accessible folder or in a sharable folder should you plan to submit your page to another web site.

Community Matters - We have seen how Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social platforms have changed how we live, meet new friends, and go as far as start and end our days. Why should your web site be all alone? Spotlight Web Services was originally built for the sport horse community to help them track horse show results, pedigrees and horses coming up for sale that might be related to some of the best in sport. Why should each user have to hand enter pedigrees? With a search, they can click once and add pedigree of hundreds of horses. This community sharing theory is much bigger than anything WIX or Wordpress could accomplish. Their focus is either managing your own code on your own server or fancy drag drop features on a shared server, no code access. They are both great but neither can give you the best of both and access to a community of similar web sites with shared data. How would they be able to handle the detail required for the horse owners, breeders as a community of web sites? What if there are 100 domains that want to share specific data with each other such as pedigrees? The Spotlight Web Services database carries over a million horses in the pedigrees and continues to grow. Spotlight Web Services has already built in other industries as well. The artist community can add data specific to their art and make submissions, print wall cards and organize their art archives using Photographers could benefit from using platform with FTP upload renaming their images to enhance SEO return. Another industry being supported by Spotlight Web Services is the local produce farmers with As the specific needs are requested, our data develpment is available to all our users. is on the list to be developed.

Custom Programming - Spotlight Web Services being community and small business friendly supports the need for custom code by making any new features available for all to use. We are dedicated to the best and easiest design development to support your small business and keep you focused on your work. We not only design the web builder but we use the web builder! Here are some of the features:

  • Automated Sitemap
  • Secured page access
  • Mobile Design
  • Automated Related Page Links
  • Automated Group Page Links
  • Social Media Tools including Share Image options
  • SEO analyzer
  • Web Site Search Engine
  • Custom Code per Industry
  • CSS Analyzer
  • Upload Custom CSS sheet
  • Image Slideshows
  • Image Management
  • Hash Tag Manager
  • Build on subdomain for Free
  • SSL option (set up and annual fee)
  • Dedicated IP option (set up and annual fee)
  • WYSIWYG Editor
  • Page Submission and Sharing Options across Domains
  • Inventory or Sales card printing/exporting
  • Build Custom Forms
  • Read Messages in dashboard
  • Activity and Performance Tracking
  • Community Profile Listing on,, or

Join today and grow your small business with one of our web site communities.

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