Website SEO Migration and Analysis

Spotlight Web Services

Spotlight Web Services can analyze, crawl and back up your current web site before migrating to our platform. In most cases websites are being upgraded when we transfer them to the Spotlight Web Services CMS platform. A domain name is only one small piece of a large puzzle that gives visual presence on the web in organic searches. Most of what is looked for can not be seen by the customer or owner of a website. Explaining the importance of these details makes it hard for most to understand and therefore value the services of SEO migration.

Spotlight Web Services can crawl your current website gathering meta data, internal links, social links, schema, images and read that data into our CMS platform organizing a cleaner website outline, automated sitemap, search engine and managed code including mobile view. Your old website pages are used to build 301 redirects to new pages in our htaccess manager smoothing out the SEO migration.

Recently one of our customer care agents heard of a website in risk of loosing all their data due to being kicked off a platform. Spotlight Web Services was able to back up 29,000 pages and 29,000 images in a weekend. Fortunately they had a plan in place. Our intimate team website migration speed test was spectacular. From this case study we found details to sharpen our skills even further. Spotlight Web Services is committed to providing the best in SEO migration service, domain hosting and managed code.

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