Custom Web development, Design and Social Data Sharing API by Gail Guirreri

Cloverlone Broodmare Farm Logo copyright Gail Guirreri

Spotlight Web Services highlights custom web development, design and social data sharing API by freelance designer and programmer Gail Guirreri. Four major industries are currently covered by Spotlight Web Services. They include international equestrian sport horses, farming local produce, artists and art galleries and last but not least, fashion, interior design and home decor. Should your needs not fall under one of these major categories, Spotlight Web Services can still host your web site under Spotlight Web Services. One can benefit from sharing images and pages from other web sites as well as submit articles, classifieds and more to web sites in our network. Spotlight Web Services is built for a community and has taken a new approach to sharing information in order to improve the flow of information between web sites while the owner can retain complete control.

Gail started graphic design when a knife was required for image editing, and was one of the first to learn Photoshop 1.0. She has hundreds of magazine advertising pages in her portfolio. Her digital photo extractions and rebuilds are clean in detail and are delimited to a single hair. Combining her fine art composition, color and dramatic impressions (oil painting) into digital media gives her more of a palette to work from when developing pages. As a programmer, she built Spotlight Web Services and it's many hosted web sites in an effort to maintain not just numerous but thousands of web sites at once. Data sharing is very helpful in our modern world and Spotlight Web Services focused a lot of attention to detail on this subject.

Our digital future may not be completely predictable, but trends tell us we will not be leaving web sites in the dust any time soon. A large number of web sites are built on platforms downloaded to your own server. I just lost 90% of readers! If you have a world wide web site built with wordpress, the code is on your server. Over the years that code becomes deprecated (i.e., OLD) and more vulnerable to hacking. Why? Hackers have a copy of the same code. What were they thinking? As code is deprecated, it must be updated. If you are not a whiz, you will pay someone else to do that for you. The risk of hacking incursions increase as more users and administrators that have access your password.

So why is Spotlight Web Services better? One good reason is that the code used to build and contruct your domain website is behind closed doors. Your domain is hosted on web servers that we run our own web sites from. Our best interest is in your best interest! Other host services limit your data to only your web site. Spotlight Web Services wanted to create a way for artists to upload their art to their web site but be able to take that same art page and share it to a gallery art show in our network simply by clicking a button. This user-sharable data plan was expanded to include Sport horse owners, breeders and trainers. They can search a horse they may have for sale and have a clickable pedigree with hundreds of related horses instantly added. The creativity of what is possible goes on and on in the mind of an artist programmer. Current services are only the beginning of what is yet to come.

If you are not getting traffic to your web site and don't think it's worth the effort, it likely means the code you have behind your web site is too old to get noticed from Google or other search engines. If you have photos without meta data, you are passed over by these search engine robots. If you do not have a mobile friendly, fast loading web site, you are demoted to never-never-land! The unexpected visitor finding your web site is your next customer. If you had a web site in the late 90s you would know how important this used to be. It was a much smaller world and strangers found businesses on the web with less competition. Getting onto the first page of a search return was easy. Now it takes more than a good product, but it is still possible. SEO (search engine optimization) was a high priority in the development of Spotlight Web Services. If you feel overwhelmed, content writers are here to help. Get started and have fun building your future!

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