, Dr. William B. Ley's web site and logo design by Gail Guirreri, was the first web site to be launched under the Equine Access platform.The goal was to get top Google search results for USDA import mare and stallion quarantine in the mid Atlantic region. Dr Ley was coached on what articles he needed to produce along with key words and meta descriptions. The results were showing successful returns within 30 days that continued to improve with time.
SEO, Search Engine Optimization, is not something your web site designer is solely responisble for. Once a good web site format is put in place the web site owner needs to do the work writing quality content. Quality content starts with being informative in answering questions prospective clients may have about your products or services. Other relating topics are recommended to help make your web site more interesting. Information is just the first level to a web site. Think about how you might entertain your visitors! In such cases, they are more likely to check back with you.
Spotlight Web Services expand from Sport Horse industry to other industries including Farming Local, Art and Art Galleries and Fashion, Design and Home Decor. Each platform allows anyone to sign up for a free account to write articles that might be submitted or published for web sites to pick up. A web site owner may not want to give a writer direct access to their web site but need help with content. This becomes a great solution for both parties.
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